參訪珠海市氣象局 Visit to Zhuhai Meteorological Bureau (18/11/2023)

On November 18, 2023, 22 members of the Hong Kong Meteorological Society visited and were warmly welcomed by the Zhuhai Meteorological Bureau and the Zhuhai Meteorological Society.

The new building in Jinxing Road in Tangjiawan Town, Xiangzhou District incorporates a number of environmentally friendly features such as insulation and lighting systems.

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真人氣象主播 vs AI氣象主播
Human weather anhcor vs AI weather anchor

Holographic video

Traces of the Hong Kong Observatory found in the history of Zhuhai meteorology

Presenting books published by the Hong Kong Meteorological Society to colleagues in Zhuhai

Fruitful discussions and ideas exchange

Hengqin New Area Exhibition Hall

橫琴新區生態氣象監測站 (芒洲濕地公園)
Hengqin New Area Ecological and Meteorological Monitoring Station (Mangzhou Wetland Park)