參訪珠海市氣象局 Visit to Zhuhai Meteorological Bureau (18/11/2023)

22位香港氣象學會會員在2023年11月18日參觀訪問珠海市氣象局,得到珠海市氣象局及氣象學會的盛情招待。On November 18, 2023, 22 members of the Hong Kong Meteorological Society visited and were warmly welcomed by the Zhuhai Meteorological Bureau and the Zhuhai Meteorological Society. 新大樓位於香洲區唐家灣鎮金星路,採用了不少隔熱、採光等環保設備。The new building in Jinxing Road in Tangjiawan Town, Xiangzhou District incorporates a Continue reading 參訪珠海市氣象局 Visit to Zhuhai Meteorological Bureau (18/11/2023)

Meet Our Met Team! (2023)

Atmospheric Dynamic Group, Earth and Atmospheric Environmental Sciences Programme, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Professor Francis Tam (presentation at EGU 2023, Vienna) There are currently 1 post-doc, 5 postgraduate students, 6 final-year students in the group. We research the Continue reading Meet Our Met Team! (2023)