
  • Honorary Member
    is open to any person or institution with distinguished work in Meteorology or significant contributions to the Society (such membership is bestowed by the Society and is not open to application)
  • Life Member (One-off subscription: 2,500 Hong Kong Dollars)
    if you are a Fellow or Full Member and have maintained your membership for one year or more
  • Fellow (Annual subscription: 200 Hong Kong Dollars)
    if you are a meteorologist or a scholar with research experience in Meteorology
  • Full Member (Annual subscription: 170 Hong Kong Dollars)
    if you are over 18 years of age and interested in Meteorology
  • Student Member (Annual subscription: 50 Hong Kong Dollars)
    if you are studying secondary schools or above and are interested in Meteorology
  • Corresponding Member (Annual subscription: 30 U.S. Dollars)
    if you are a meteorologist residing outside Hong Kong
  • Institutional Member (Annual subscription: 500 Hong Kong Dollars)
    is open to any professional, academic or educational institution in Hong Kong, or any unit or department of such an institution, which is interested in Meteorology

List of Honorary Members & Life Members

Constitution of the Society
2020 version

Membership Application Form
English Version / 中文版本