Dr P.W. Chan was elected as chairman of the Society, succeeding Dr C.M. Cheng.

The Society published the Statement on Climate Change in February 2023. It has also been sent to the Legislative Council, the Chief Executive Office, government bureaux/departments, tertiary institutes, fellow NGOs and societies.

Mr CY LAM, Mr CM SHUN, Dr KW FUNG and Mr HY MOK generously donated $310,000 to the Society. The entire amount will be used to support the Zhu Kezhen Prize.
Mr LAM and Mr SHUN are Honorary Members and Dr FUNG and Mr MOK are fellows of the Society.

AI Challenge – Weather Forecasting Competition

The Society served as a “Strategic Partner” for the Master Code 2022/23 Competition jointly organized by Hong Kong Education City (EdCity) and Microsoft with the theme “Envisage the Climate Blueprint with AI”.
In the “AI Challenge – Weather Forecasting Competition“, secondary school students were required to predict the hourly temperatures at Tai Mo Shan station.
Dr CHENG Cho-ming congratulated the winning schools at the Prize presentation ceremony on 29 September 2023 at HKEdCity.

Prof CHANG Chih-pei, Honorary Member of the Society, delivered talks at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Observatory on 2nd and 3rd November, respectively.

Visit to Zhuhai on 18 Nov 2023
Follow us to visit the new office of Meteorological Bureau of Zhuhai 珠海市氣象局, and the Hengqin 橫琴 New Area.

Dr CHENG Cho-ming delivered a popular science talk “How to Forecast Typhoons 颱風預測知多少” at Hong Kong Central Library on 10th December.

Heywood Young Scientists Award
There were three nominations for the Heywood Young Scientists Award (R-prize). Our heartfelt thanks to Dr Xiaoming SHI, Mr HY Mok and Dr CM CHENG for serving in the Award Panel.

The award goes to Mr GAO Meng from Hong Kong Baptist University. His research topic is on “Large scale climate patterns offer preseasonal hints on the co-occurrence of heat wave and Ozone pollution in China” published on Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Congratulations to Mr GAO!

Zhu Kezhen Prize
There were four nominations for the Zhu Kezhen Prize. Our heartfelt thanks to Dr ZHOU Wen, Ms SY LAU and Dr YT KWOK for serving in the Award Panel.

The award goes to Mr GONG Yangzhao from the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. His research topic is on “Assimilating Sentinel-3 All-sky PWV Retrievals to Improve the WRF Forecasting Performance Over the South China” published on Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere. Congratulations to Mr GONG!