Newsletter Issue 7 (May 2021)



The weather of April 2021 – An unseasonably warm and dry April

New names for tropical cyclones in 2021

Six new names, Yinxing, Co-may, Nongfa, Ragasa, Koto and Nokaen, have been introduced to the list of tropical cyclone names in the western North Pacific and the South China Sea in 2021.

2021 is “make or break year” for Climate Action

2021 must be the year for climate action – “the make it or break it year,” said United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres at the launch of WMO’s report on the State of the Global Climate 2020 which highlighted accelerating climate change indicators and worsening impacts.

Leaders Summit on Climate spurs emissions targets

As an enhancement to the 9-day weather forecast service, the probability of significant rain forecast will enable the public to better appreciate the potential of high-impact weather so as to plan their activities ahead and get better prepared.

Forests the size of France regrown since 2000, study suggests

The restored forests have the potential to soak up the equivalent of 5.9 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide – more than the annual emissions of the US, according to conservation groups.

Climate has shifted the axis of the earth

Glacial melting due to global warming is likely the cause of a shift in the movement of the poles that occurred in the 1990s.

China’s Fengyun weather data freely available for
Earth observation applications

All Fengyun satellite data products are open to the world users and free to download at


由香港氣象學會出版的《觀雲識天賞光影 —— 有趣的雲和大氣光學現象》有幸成為第十八屆十本好讀中學組的候選書籍之一,記住支持呀﹗

Membership renewal is now more convenient

Payment through Faster Payment System (FPS) is now available (Our FPS ID: 166920512). Support your society, don’t forget to renew your membership!

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